"Silent Snowfall" Christmas Cards 2024, Linocut, 10x7 inches
These prints reflect the theme of Noel by capturing the calm nature of Christmas time through an outside perspective of a winter landscape. It leaves room to imagine what’s going on inside the cabin, or if they are away spending time at another household for Christmas.
"Shine" 2024, Carved Stamps
These prints were made on greeting materials and donated to children at St. Mary’s Hospital for Children
"Gratitude" 2024, Dry Point, 5 x 7 inches
This print captures the scene of a person driving in their car as the sun shines on them, reflecting a personal moment in a lot of people's lives. During this time of either ending or beginning your day, this is a place where a lot of people reflect on things they are grateful for, relating to the theme of gratitude

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